Shieldescrow Blog Thu, 14 Dec 2023 14:10:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Shieldescrow Blog 32 32 Managing the Complexities of High Value Transactions Thu, 14 Dec 2023 14:10:09 +0000 Navigate the risks associated with high value transactions with Shieldescrow's top tier solution and their partnership with Checkfirst.

The post Managing the Complexities of High Value Transactions appeared first on Shieldescrow Blog.

High-value transactions (HVT) inherently carry risks, emphasising the need for a dependable and secure payment platform. Shieldescrow’s HVT service emerges as a top-tier solution, providing a foundation of trust and security for transactions at or exceeding $5,000. Not only does Shieldescrow provide an exceptional HVT service but continues to add value in its collaboration with Checkfirst, a digital authority specialising in compliance, data collection, and trust.

Your Shieldescrow Benefits – Chargeback Protection, Reduced Fees, Flexibility and a Responsive Service:

Chargeback Protection:

Our team shield you from the stress, financial risk and hours of administrative burden linked to combating chargebacks. Shieldescrow assigns a dedicated representative to oversee your entire transaction from start to finish, significantly decreasing the likelihood of chargebacks. In the event they occur, we fight on your behalf, boasting an unprecedented 90% win rate.

Reduced Fees:

Shieldescrow offers reduced escrow fees for high-value transactions, starting at a competitive 1%. Custom fees are available for larger transactions, ensuring you get the best value for your money while safeguarding your financial interests.

Flexible Payment Options:

Flexibility is key, especially when substantial sums are involved. Shieldescrow’s secure HVT service accommodates the preferences of the buyer, seller, or a shared responsibility, ensuring a payment arrangement that aligns with your unique needs.

Responsive Service:

Whether you need clarification, have concerns, or require guidance, Shieldescrow recognises the importance of time in HVT transactions. You will be assigned a dedicated Account Manager who will be on hand to ensure you are never alone during your transaction journey, ready to assist you anytime and anywhere.

Shieldescrow and Checkfirst’s Collaborative Solution

Checkfirst functions as a third-party verification platform that provides an extra layer of trust. Its user-friendly platform enables the collection of accurate and verified data remotely, eliminating the necessity for on-site verifications. For high-value transactions, especially those involving physical products, Checkfirst excels with features such as video and image geo-tagging, along with digital signatures, ensuring accountability throughout the process. With Checkfirst, buyers gain the capability to conduct inspections, verifying the existence and similarity of the product to its online description and their supplier’s identity. This functionality adds an additional layer of protection against potential disputes, further enhancing the overall transaction process facilitated by Shieldescrow.

In the complex realm of high-value transactions, Shieldescrow is committed to your security and success. Shieldescrow’s partnership with Checkfirst allows you to add an additional, optional layer of protection to your transactions, further bolstering defences against distrust, dishonesty, and unaccountability. Shieldescrow and Checkfirst together form a winning combination for your high-value endeavours.

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Vodič za Korištenje Shieldescrow-a na Mojekrpice Fri, 27 Oct 2023 12:34:21 +0000 A guide to stress-free buying and selling on Mojekrpice with Shieldescrow. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the seamless process.

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U ovom sveobuhvatnom vodiču provest ćemo vas kroz proces kupovine i prodaje na Mojekrpice korištenjem Shieldescrow-a, osiguravajući bezbrižno iskustvo.

Što je Shieldescrow?

Shieldescrow je napredno rješenje za plaćanja koje je osmišljeno kako bi poboljšalo sigurnost plaćanja, pružajući mir uma kako kupcima, tako i prodavateljima. Uključuje ugrađenu Zaštitu Kupca koja ne samo da štiti kupca, već i prodavatelja osiguravajući sigurna plaćanja, mogućnost zatraživanja povrata i pristup korisničkoj podršci.

4 Jednostavna Koraka za Kupovinu na Mojekrpice s Shieldescrow-om

1. Odabir Proizvoda

Pronađite predmet koji želite kupiti i kliknite na gumb ‘Kupi’.

2. Izvršite Plaćanje

Unesite svoje podatke za plaćanje. Vaša uplata će biti prikupljena kako bi osigurala vašu kupnju. Shieldescrow će zadržati uplatu dok ne primite proizvod.

3. Kontaktiranje Prodavatelja

Kontaktirajte prodavatelja kako biste dogovorili preuzimanje ili dostavu.

4. Pregledajte Vašu Kupnju

Prilikom primitka vaše stavke, započet će 24-satni period inspekcije koji će vam omogućiti pregled vaše kupnje kako biste bili sigurni da nije oštećena i da se podudara s onim što je bilo oglašeno, prije nego što se sredstva otpuste prodavatelju.

Prednosti za Kupce

  • Najviša Razina Sigurnosti: Shieldescrow-ov sustav plaćanja u obliku escrow-a osigurava najvišu razinu sigurnosti, štiteći kupce od prijevara.
  • 100% Zaštita Kupca: Kada plaćate putem Shieldescrow-a, automatski dobivate Zaštitu Kupca. Ovo jamči sigurne transakcije, štiti vas od nedostave vašeg predmeta, omogućava vam zatraživanje povrata i pruža pristup korisničkoj podršci.
  • Smanjenje Rizika: Osiguravajući da obje strane ispune svoje obveze prije puštanja plaćanja, Shieldescrow smanjuje rizik od financijskog gubitka.

3 Jednostavna Koraka za Prodaju na Mojekrpice s Shieldescrow-om

1. Oglasite Vaš Proizvod

Objavite svoje proizvode za prodaju.

2. Dogovorite Dostavu

Kada kupac odabere kupiti vaš proizvod, dogovorite dostavu.

3. Preuzmi Vašu Uplatu

Nakon što završi razdoblje za pregled, vaša uplata će biti puštena. Osigurajte da su vaši bankovni podaci dodani kako biste primili svoje zarade, ovo možete učiniti u bilo kojem trenutku.

Prednosti za Prodavatelje

  • Nula Naknada za Prodaju: U zamjenu za potpunu zaštitu kupca, Shieldescrow-ovo rješenje za plaćanje se oslanja na kupca da plati malu naknadu, što znači da za prodavatelja nema nikakvih naknada.
  • Povećajte Prodaju: Escrow plaćanja stvaraju sigurno okruženje, što potiče oprezne kupce da zaključe svoje kupovine, sprječavajući ih da napuste košaricu prije završetka transakcije.
  • Otkrivanje Prijevara: Naš nadzor nad prijevarama 24/7 osigurava zaštitu od prijevara u transakcijama.
  • Posredovanje i Rješenje: Shieldescrow-ova platforma u obliku escrow-a opremljena je za posredovanje i rješavanje svih sporova koji se mogu pojaviti tijekom transakcije, osiguravajući pravedno rješenje.

Često Postavljena Pitanja

1. Kada kupac može zatražiti povrat novca?

Kupci mogu podnijeti sporove samo iz sljedećih razloga:

  • Kupac nije primio predmet
  • Primljeni predmet ne odgovara originalnom opisu
  • Predmet je oštećen, a ovo nije bilo navedeno u opisu

Sporovi podneseni iz bilo kojeg drugog razloga (na primjer, jer je Kupac promijenio mišljenje, ne treba više predmet ili ga ne želi, ili zbog bilo kakvog oštećenja ili nedostatka koji su jasno navedeni u opisu predmeta) neće biti prihvaćeni kao valjani razlozi za sporove od strane Shieldescrow-a.
U svim slučajevima, povrat novca neće biti obrađen dok proizvod ne bude vraćen Prodavatelju.

2. Tko plaća dostavu?

Trenutno postoje dvije opcije.
Prva opcija je, ako želite jednostavno koristiti Shieldescrow za pokrivanje troška proizvoda, možete razgovarati i odlučiti tko će pokriti taj trošak i koju opciju dostave ćete koristiti. U osnovi, nastavljate kao i prije. Druga opcija je da jednostavno uključite cijenu poštarine i pakiranja u cijenu proizvoda u vašem oglasu. To je cijena koju će platiti kupac ako se odlučite za tu opciju i iako znamo da se cijena dostave može promijeniti ovisno o lokaciji, potpuno vam ostavljamo izbor kako ćete to riješiti.
Na kraju, želimo spomenuti da će vam uskoro biti dostupne dodatne mogućnosti koje će automatizirati dio s dostavom, te se nadamo da će taj proces učiniti još jednostavnijim i lakšim za korištenje!

3. Naknada za zaštitu kupca

Shieldescrow je besplatan za sve prodavače, dok kupac plaća naknadu/proviziju za zaštitu kupca koja se u potpunosti vraća u slučaju otkazivanja narudžbe.

4. Što ako ne želim koristiti Shieldescrow?

Ne, Shieldescrow nije obavezan. Ako želite nastaviti prodavati proizvode kao i prije, to je u redu. Shieldescrow omogućuje kupcima da izvrše uplatu za vaše prozivode. Možete jednostavno prihvatiti uplatu i dogovoriti zamjenu s kupcem kako biste nastavili. Tek kada vam moramo poslati vasa novcana sredstva, bit će od vas zatraženo da otvorite Shieldescrow račun kako bismo znali gdje poslati vaša zarađena sredstva!

Ako imate bilo kakvih pitanja o postupku, obratite se našem timu za podršku putem e-pošte na ili izravno preko našeg online chata.

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A Guide to Exchanging Tickets on Toutless using Shieldescrow Tue, 12 Sep 2023 09:05:25 +0000 A Guide to Safely Exchanging Tickets on Toutless using the Shieldescrow Payment app This comprehensive guide will walk you through the seamless process of buying and selling tickets on Toutless …

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A Guide to Safely Exchanging Tickets on Toutless using the Shieldescrow Payment app

This comprehensive guide will walk you through the seamless process of buying and selling tickets on Toutless using Shieldescrow, guaranteeing a worry-free experience for all users.

What is Shieldescrow?

Shieldescrow is a digital transaction platform that completely protects you from being scammed when you’re transacting with someone you don’t know. It not only safeguards both the buyer and the seller but also instils confidence in the transaction process, allowing you to transact with peace of mind.

6 easy steps to complete a successful transaction using Shieldescrow:

  1. Create a Shieldescrow Account:

Shieldescrow can be accessed online by visiting the website or can be downloaded straight to your device from the iOS App Store or Google Play Store.

  1. Initiate the Transaction:

Launch the transaction process, guided by Shieldescrow’s user-friendly interface, once logged in select ‘Create a Transaction’ on the navigation panel and enter your transaction details.

  1. Share the link with the Buyer/Seller

Once you have entered the transaction details a transaction link will be created. Please share this link with the other party via Toutless, they can join the transaction and add their banking details.

  1. Deposit and Secure Funds:

Buyer must demonstrate their commitment to the transaction by depositing the required funds into the ‘Shieldescrow hold’. This step not only secures the investment but also reassures the seller. The seller will confirm they have deposited the correct amount.

  1. Send the tickets and have them Validated:

The seller must confirm ticket delivery. The buyer should promptly receive the tickets. Conduct a thorough validation to ensure the tickets match the description and align with their expectations.

  1. Confirm and Release Funds:

Once the buyer has validated the tickets and is satisfied with the purchase. Shieldescrow’s escrow process will then release the funds to the seller, culminating in a secure and successful transaction.

Benefits of using Shieldescrow as a Buyer:

  • Ultimate Security: Shieldescrow’s escrow payment system ensures the highest level of security, safeguarding buyers against being scammed.

  • Online Payments: you can complete the whole transaction online safely and securely. You don’t have to meet the other party in person, meaning you can complete the transaction from the safety of your own home.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Shieldescrow’s platform is designed with the user in mind. Navigating through the buying process is intuitive and straightforward, making your payment journey a breeze.
  • Risk Mitigation: By ensuring that both parties meet their obligations prior to fund release, Shieldescrow minimizes the risk of financial loss.

Benefits of using Shieldescrow as a Seller:

  • Zero Selling Fees: Ticket exchange platforms such as Ticketmaster and StubHub offer a resale option with a selling fee of around 15%. By selling your ticket privately and using Shieldescrow, you pay zero selling fees.

  • Online Payments: You can complete the whole transaction online safely and securely. You don’t have to meet the other party in person, meaning you can complete the transaction from the safety of your own home.
  • Time-Efficient: Shieldescrow’s streamlined process expedites transactions, allowing you to secure your ticket sale promptly and efficiently.

  • Mediation and Resolution: Shieldescrow’s escrow platform is equipped to mediate and resolve any disputes that may arise during the transaction, ensuring a fair resolution.

Buying and selling tickets on Toutless using Shieldescrow offers a safe and reliable way to secure access to purchasing tickets to Ireland’s most celebrated Music and Sports events.

If you have any questions about the process please reach out to our support team via email at or to them directly through our online chat box located on our homepage.

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A Guide to Exchanging Electric Picnic Tickets using Shieldescrow Fri, 18 Aug 2023 12:04:13 +0000 Buy or Sell Electric Picnic tickets online safely This comprehensive guide will walk you through the seamless process of buying and selling Electric Picnic tickets online using Shieldescrow, guaranteeing a …

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Buy or Sell Electric Picnic tickets online safely

This comprehensive guide will walk you through the seamless process of buying and selling Electric Picnic tickets online using Shieldescrow, guaranteeing a worry-free experience for both buyers and sellers.

What is Shieldescrow?

Shieldescrow is a digital transaction platform that completely protects you from being scammed when you’re transacting with someone you don’t know. It not only safeguards both the buyer and the seller but also instils confidence in the transaction process, allowing you to transact with peace of mind.

6 easy steps to complete a successful transaction using Shieldescrow:

  1. Create a Shieldescrow Account:

Shieldescrow can be accessed online by visiting the website or can be downloaded straight to your device from the iOS App Store or Google Play Store.

  1. Initiate the Transaction:

Launch the transaction process, guided by Shieldescrow’s user-friendly interface, once logged in select ‘Create a Transaction’ on the navigation panel and enter your transaction details.

  1. Share the link with the Buyer/Seller

Once you have entered the transaction details a transaction link will be created. Please share this link with the other party, they can join the transaction and add their banking details.

  1. Deposit and Secure Funds:

Buyer must demonstrate their commitment to the transaction by depositing the required funds into the ‘Shieldescrow hold’. This step not only secures the investment but also reassures the seller. The seller will confirm they have deposited the correct amount.

  1. Send the tickets and have them Validated:

The seller must confirm ticket delivery. The buyer should promptly receive the tickets. Conduct a thorough validation to ensure the tickets match the description and align with their expectations.

  1. Confirm and Release Funds:

Once the buyer has validated the tickets and are satisfied with the purchase. Shieldescrow’s escrow process will then release the funds to the seller, culminating in a secure and successful transaction.

Benefits of using Shieldescrow as a Buyer:

  • Ultimate Security: Shieldescrow’s escrow payment system ensures the highest level of security, safeguarding buyers against being scammed.

  • Online Payments: you can complete the whole transaction online safely and securely. You don’t have to meet the other party in person, meaning you can complete the transaction from the safety of your own home.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Shieldescrow’s platform is designed with the user in mind. Navigating through the buying process is intuitive and straightforward, making your payment journey a breeze.
  • Risk Mitigation: By ensuring that both parties meet their obligations prior to fund release, Shieldescrow minimizes the risk of financial loss.

Benefits of using Shieldescrow as a Seller:

  • Zero Selling Fees: Ticket exchange platforms such as Ticketmaster and StubHub offer a resale option with a selling fee of around 15%. By selling your ticket privately and using Shieldescrow, you pay zero selling fees.

  • Online Payments: you can complete the whole transaction online safely and securely. You don’t have to meet the other party in person, meaning you can complete the transaction from the safety of your own home.
  • Time-Efficient: Shieldescrow’s streamlined process expedites transactions, allowing you to secure your ticket sale promptly and efficiently.

  • Mediation and Resolution: Shieldescrow’s escrow platform is equipped to mediate and resolve any disputes that may arise during the transaction, ensuring a fair resolution.

Buying and selling Electric Picnic tickets online using Shieldescrow offers a safe and reliable way to secure access to purchasing tickets to one of Ireland’s most celebrated Music festivals. We hope everyone attending has a great weekend!

If you have any questions about the process please reach out to our support team via email at or to them directly through our online chat box located on our homepage.

The post A Guide to Exchanging Electric Picnic Tickets using Shieldescrow appeared first on Shieldescrow Blog.

Caught in the Crosshairs of a Facebook Scammer Wed, 28 Jun 2023 08:42:07 +0000 Scammed while buying Cork concert tickets on Facebook. A cautionary tale for anyone engaging in online transactions.

The post Caught in the Crosshairs of a Facebook Scammer appeared first on Shieldescrow Blog.

A Facebook Ticket Scam Nightmare

Online scams have become increasingly prevalent, targeting unsuspecting individuals desperate to acquire sought-after products or services.

Jennifer* recently shared her harrowing experience of being scammed while attempting to buy tickets for a Cork concert on Facebook. Her story serves as a cautionary tale for anyone engaging in online transactions, highlighting the importance of vigilance and using secure platforms like Shieldescrow to protect oneself from fraudulent activities.

*Although this story is based on real events, the name Jennifer is a pseudonym, used to hide the identity of the individual scammed.

How Jennifer Became a Target of a Facebook Con Artist

With Paolo Nutini set to take to the stage in just a few hours, Jennifer decided she would attempt to accompany her friends. Turning to Facebook, she was presented with a glimmer of hope as she stumbled upon numerous available ticket listings. 

After replying to a listed ticket post, Jennifer was overjoyed with the magnitude of responses she began to receive. The allure of a bargain led her to choose the lowest priced ticket, despite the red flags that were starting to emerge.

Excitement soon turned to skepticism upon a quick inspection of the sellers Facebook page. The seller’s Facebook profile lacked common traits of a genuine account: an uncommon name in Ireland, pictures of individuals who appeared to be American, an absence of Facebook Friends, and random hobbies listed in the bio. Despite these warning signs, her desire for the tickets overrode her better judgment.

Excitement to Disappointment

Communication with the seller only deepened Jennifer’s doubts. The replies she received were abrupt and lacked personalisation. 

Complications continued to arise when the seller requested a further €10 for a supposed Ticketmaster name change. Nevertheless, caught up in the moment, she complied. The transaction began to raise concerns as Revolut blocked the second €10 transaction. The seller provided a series of different Revolut account details for receiving payments, each accompanied by a different name. Although these irregularities raised more suspicions, Jennifer convinced herself that the accounts belonged to the seller’s friends. In an act of desperation, she sent the money to the third account name provided. Now that the seller had received payment for the ticket and taken an additional fee, Jennifer had been blocked from further communication.

With the sudden realization of her predicament, Jennifer had no choice but to accept the bitter truth. She had fallen victim to a scam that preyed on her eagerness to secure a concert ticket. Despite the loss of €50, she maintains a positive outlook, considering it a relatively inexpensive life lesson. 

How to Protect Yourself Against Scams

Following her ordeal, Jennifer recalled hearing about Shieldescrow, a secure platform for online transactions, but had forgotten about it until recently. Her scam experience has reinforced the importance of using trustworthy platforms like Shieldescrow when engaging in online ticket purchases. Recognising the need for an additional layer of protection, she expressed her intention to utilise such platforms in the future, highlighting the value of placing trust in a secure intermediary rather than blindly relying on personal judgment.

Jennifer’s account of being scammed while attempting to purchase concert tickets serves as a powerful reminder of the dangers lurking in the online world. As technology continues to shape our lives, it is crucial to remain vigilant and exercise caution when engaging in online transactions. Through her story, she hopes to raise awareness and encourage others to embrace secure platforms like Shieldescrow, thus minimising the risk of falling victim to a scam. 

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Safeguarding Transactions with Expert Fraud Analysts Wed, 21 Jun 2023 13:02:26 +0000 Shieldescrow's fraud analysts and chargeback specialists ensure the security and dependability of every transaction carried out on our platform.

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The rapidly evolving digital landscape of today brings with it an increased risk of deception. As a result, guaranteeing the safety and reliability of online transactions becomes absolutely critical. At Shieldescrow, we are dedicated to safeguarding our users, protecting them from fraudulent transactions and potential scams. Our team of fraud analysts and chargeback specialists have diligently implemented a comprehensive range of measures to ensure the security and authenticity of every transaction conducted on our platform.

Advanced Fraud Detection Techniques

Our team of expert fraud analysts utilise an amalgamation of machine learning fraud detection tools and technologies to swiftly identify fraudulent transactions in real time.

Working closely alongside Shieldescrow’s data science and product teams, our fraud analysts are able to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of our machine learning and artificial intelligence tools.

Embedded within our payment acquiring flows, our fraud analysts have developed a comprehensive set of fraud prevention rules. These encompass additional authentication and automatic payment blocking rules which are continuously reviewed and adapted to align with current trends.

This collaborative approach, coupled with our established rules, ensures that our defences remain one step ahead of evolving fraudulent techniques.

Thorough Review and Proactive Outreach

Thorough investigations are conducted into suspected fraudulent activities. In cases where suspicions arise, a member of the fraud team will firstly reach out to both the buyer and seller to authenticate the genuineness of the transaction.

In cases of fraud, our analysts respond promptly and take appropriate action. This can involve blocking transactions, freezing accounts, or when necessary escalating the matter to law enforcement authorities.

We maintain a comprehensive database of known fraudsters and their tactics, enabling us to proactively identify and block fraudulent activities from the outset. Furthermore, our team is trained to detect patterns within malicious transactions, ensuring they stay well-informed with regard to the latest fraud trends and techniques.

This hands on, swift approach minimises the impact of fraudulent activities and protects our users from financial losses.

Expert Chargeback Specialists

Chargebacks are an unfortunate reality of the online payment landscape. To minimise their impact, Shieldescrow’s dedicated chargeback specialists possess in-depth knowledge and expertise in countering chargebacks effectively.

These specialists work closely with our partners to build robust cases to challenge each chargeback. With a steady win rate above 90%, their efforts ensure our partners’ businesses are protected.

Our chargeback specialists are not just focused on mitigating the effects of chargebacks, they also prioritise knowledge sharing and prevention awareness. By collaborating with our partners, they educate them on how to prevent fraudulent chargebacks and identify instances of friendly fraud.

This proactive approach fosters a stronger ecosystem and protects both Shieldescrow and our partners’ businesses.

Shieldescrow’s commitment to fraud prevention is unwavering. By upholding a safe and secure environment, Shieldescrow empowers users to engage in online transactions with confidence, fostering a thriving community built on trust and peace of mind.

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5 Must-Watch TED Talks for Aspiring Entrepreneurs Thu, 08 Jun 2023 15:00:21 +0000 Enjoy these talks teeming with helpful advice on how to build, sustain and lead the company of your dreams.

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As an employee of an early-stage start-up, I find myself searching for ways to improve my skills and gain more knowledge about the world of business. A perfect way to do this is through TED talks – in a world where time is ever becoming your most valuable resource, I love TED Talks for short and powerful snippets of knowledge provided by experts in various fields. In this blog, I will share with you my five must-watch TED Talks for aspiring entrepreneurs.

What are TED Talks?

Before we jump into my selection of TED Talks, for those that don’t know what the concept of a TED Talk is – a TED Talk is a showcase for speakers presenting great, well-formed ideas in under 18 minutes. This short talk model works since it only demands the audience’s attention for a short period of time, decreasing the chance of minds wandering or daydreaming about lunch. In fact, some of the greatest TED Talks have been as short as 5 minutes long!

5 TED Talks that every aspiring entrepreneur should watch

If you are an aspiring entrepreneur, here are five TED Talks that you absolutely must watch. Each of these talks provides valuable insights into the world of business and entrepreneurship. They will help you gain a better understanding of what it takes to succeed as an entrepreneur.

TED Talk #1: “The single biggest reason why startups succeed” by Bill Gross

In this TED Talk, Bill Gross, founder of Idealab, shares his insights on what makes startups succeed. He has analyzed hundreds of startups and found that the single biggest reason for success is timing. Gross explains that the timing of a startup can have a massive impact on its success. He gives examples of companies that succeeded because they were in the right place at the right time, and companies that failed because they were too early or too late to the market.

TED Talk #2: “The power of an entrepreneurial mindset” by Bill Roche

Bill Roche is a serial entrepreneur who has started several successful companies. In this TED Talk, he shares his insights on what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur. Roche explains that having an entrepreneurial mindset is crucial for success. He gives examples of how he has used his entrepreneurial mindset to overcome challenges and achieve success.

TED Talk #3: “What they don’t tell you about entrepreneurship” by Mark Leruste

Mark Leruste is an entrepreneur and the founder of The Unconventionalists. In this TED Talk, he shares the things that people don’t tell you about entrepreneurship. He explains that entrepreneurship is not all about success and glamour, but it is also about failure and hard work.

TED Talk #4: “It doesn’t take money to make money” by Brandon Leibel

Brandon Leibel is an entrepreneur who has started several successful companies without any outside funding. In this TED Talk, he shares his insights on how to start a successful business without any money. Leibel explains that it is possible to start a business with little to no money, and he gives examples of how he has done it.

TED Talk #5: “How to Know If You’re Meant to Be An Entrepreneur” by Kiki Ayers

Kiki Ayers is an entrepreneur and the founder of Ayers Career College. In this TED Talk, she shares her insights on how to know if you are meant to be an entrepreneur. Ayers explains that being an entrepreneur is not for everyone, and she gives examples of the traits that successful entrepreneurs possess.

The Impact of TED Talks on Entrepreneurship

As an aspiring entrepreneur, I hope watching these five TED Talks will provide you with valuable insights into the world of business and entrepreneurship. If you haven’t already, take some time to watch these TED Talks and start your journey to becoming a successful entrepreneur today!

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Second-Hand Shopping: A Sustainable Consumer Choice Thu, 18 May 2023 11:14:11 +0000 Buying pre-owned items is an excellent way to support a more sustainable environment while saving your hard earned cash.

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Everything we consume and everything we discard has a significant impact on our environment. Together we can establish a more sustainable world, simply by altering our purchasing behaviour. Buying and reutilising second-hand products can not only save you money but can reduce waste and pollution and save natural resources and energy.

Cost Savings

Purchasing second-hand offers significant and widely recognised advantages, with cost savings being one of the most prominent benefits.

Second-hand goods are often available up to 50% cheaper. Whether you are in search of clothing, electronics, furniture, musical instruments, or books, you will discover quality items at more affordable prices compared to their brand-new counterparts.

Additionally, you have the opportunity to acquire name-brand products at a fraction of their original cost.

Reducing Waste

The most obvious environmental benefit of second-hand shopping is that it creates less waste. Many individuals tend to associate waste reduction and recycling solely with bottles, cans, and plastics, overlooking the significant impact our wardrobes and household items have on landfill waste.

When you opt for used items, you eliminate the need for excessive packaging, bulky cardboard boxes, and unnecessary plastic wrapping that are often discarded after the products arrive.

Purchasing second-hand allows you to enjoy your newly acquired items without excessive packaging.

Even when opting for second-hand items that require shipping, it is worth noting that they are typically packaged with minimal materials.

Reducing Pollution

The production of new items carries significant environmental consequences, resulting in pollution across various manufacturing stages.

Global transportation of goods contributes to substantial CO2 emissions, and items ending up in landfills lead to greenhouse gas emissions and environmental contamination.

The production of new products involves more than just labour and materials; it depletes natural resources through activities like oil excavation, metal mining, deforestation, cotton farming, and water usage.

Opting for used items reduces resource consumption, energy usage, and pollution by avoiding pesticides, transportation fuel emissions, toxic chemicals, and carbon emissions.

By purchasing second-hand goods, you utilise the energy and resources already invested in their creation, eliminating the demand for new items that require additional energy and further depletion of natural resources.

The impact of buying second-hand extends far beyond personal savings. By choosing to purchase pre-owned goods, individuals contribute to a more sustainable future. While it is acceptable to purchase certain items new, it is beneficial to cultivate a collective awareness and consider acquiring products second-hand. By embracing this approach, together we can transition towards a more circular economy, where goods and materials are actively reused instead of needlessly discarded.

The post Second-Hand Shopping: A Sustainable Consumer Choice appeared first on Shieldescrow Blog.

Why Escrow is the Best Payment Method Not to Get Scammed on Classified Marketplaces Thu, 11 May 2023 10:47:12 +0000 When it comes to buying and selling goods on classified marketplaces, the potential for scams and fraud is ever present from fake listings to items not getting delivered. Learn how escrow can help!

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When it comes to buying and selling goods on classified marketplaces, the potential for scams and fraud is ever present, from fake listings to items not getting delivered. However, there are ways to protect yourself and your hard-earned cash. Shieldescrow’s escrow payment app is one method that provides both buyers and sellers with peace of mind when transacting with strangers online. In this blog, we will explore why using Shieldescrow or other escrow payment methods is the best option to avoid payment scams on classified marketplaces.

Common Scams Escrow Can Prevent on Classified Marketplaces

Online classified marketplaces have become a haven for fraudsters conducting their scams. You may come across fake sellers trying to sell non-existent products, sellers who take your money and never deliver the goods you have paid for or buyers who want to pay with credit cards that are stolen. These types of scams can cause significant financial harm, making it integral for classified users to be cautious while conducting transactions on classified marketplaces.

Common Scams on Classified Marketplaces

One of the most common scams on classified marketplaces is fake product listings. Fraudsters will post highly discounted items to lure in buyers, only to steal their money and never deliver the product. Another common scam is where a seller accepts payment and never ships the item. Other scams involve chargeback fraud, where a buyer initiates a chargeback claim even though they have received the product, or more than one buyer trying to purchase the same item. To overcome this type of Fraud, Shieldescrow has integrated shipping tracking into the transaction model. The seller only gets paid when the product is delivered and the buyer has verified the product is as described in the listing.

How to Identify Potential Scammers

Scammers often use similar tactics to lure in their victims. Some of the red flags to watch for include unrealistic prices, sellers unwilling to provide further photos of their products or refuse to answer simple questions about the product, and insist on using a specific payment method like cash or bank transfer. Generally, if you even suggest using an escrow service like Shieldescrow, scammers will decline.

What is Escrow and How Does it Work?

Escrow is a payment method that involves a third-party service provider that holds the money during a transaction. The funds are only released to the seller once the buyer has received and approved the product. This method ensures that both buyers and sellers are protected during the transaction process.

Many Classified Marketplaces are integrating escrow payment methods such as Shieldescrow to become a secure transactional marketplace. Shieldescrow provides a digital escrow-style process that involves three key stages:

  1. The agreement between the buyer and seller on the price and product details. This is where the buyer and seller come to an agreement on the product, its condition, and the price. Once the details are agreed upon, the buyer initiates the payment process by transferring the funds to the Shieldescrow hold.

  2. The second stage of the process is the delivery of the product. The seller ships the product to the buyer and inputs the tracking number within the Shieldescrow transaction.

  3. In the final stage, once the buyer receives the product (verified by the couriers tracking number) and is satisfied it is as described and fit for purpose, the funds are then released to the seller.

Escrow Payment Methods vs PayPal

Online payment platforms like PayPal provide a secure way to send and receive money online. However, they are often criticised for being reactive to fraud rather than preventative.

To explain this, Paypal’s buyer protection will only help you after a scam has occurred. Once you report the scam you will enter a 180-day resolution period whereby you are not guaranteed to be rewarded a refund.

On the other hand, escrow is deemed preventative to online payment scams, if the received merchandise is fraudulent, is not as described or never arrives –  the funds will always be returned to you right away. 

Choose the Right Escrow Service for You

If the classified marketplace does not have an escrow service integrated on their website, it is essential you choose the correct service to ensure a seamless experience.

Factors to consider when selecting an escrow service:

  • Reputation: Look for escrow services with positive reviews and a good reputation in the market.
  • Cost: Consider the fees charged by each service and choose one that is affordable for you.
  • Currency: Make sure the escrow service is available in your area.
  • Payment methods: Check if the escrow service accepts the payment method you prefer such as Google and Apple Pay.
  • Support: Choose an escrow service that offers excellent customer support and is responsive to your queries.

Tips for a Safe and Successful Escrow Transaction

While escrow services provide a secure way to conduct transactions, there are still some things to keep in mind to ensure a safe and successful experience.

Communicating with the Buyer/Seller

Proper communication is essential before and during the transaction. Clarify any doubts you have and make sure that you understand the product details and shipping terms. This can help prevent misunderstandings that may lead to disputes later on.

Verifying the Legitimacy of the Escrow Service

Before using an escrow service, make sure that it is legitimate and reliable. Research the service and read reviews from other users to ensure it offers the features you need and provides excellent customer support.

Ensuring a Smooth Transaction Process

After choosing an escrow service, make sure to follow the steps outlined by them to complete the transaction successfully. Verify that the product details and shipping information are accurate and keep all transaction records safe in case of disputes.

Escrow is a safe and secure way to conduct transactions on classified marketplaces with peace of mind. By understanding the risks of classified marketplaces, choosing the right escrow service, and following the tips for a safe and successful transaction, buyers and sellers can feel confident in their transactions and avoid losing their hard-earned money.

The post Why Escrow is the Best Payment Method Not to Get Scammed on Classified Marketplaces appeared first on Shieldescrow Blog.

How to Increase Customer Loyalty on E-commerce Stores by Optimizing Your Return Management Process Thu, 04 May 2023 14:28:04 +0000 Learn how to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty by effectively managing your ecommerce return processes.

The post How to Increase Customer Loyalty on E-commerce Stores by Optimizing Your Return Management Process appeared first on Shieldescrow Blog.

As ecommerce continues to expand, shopping is no longer deemed an inconvenient task. Purchasing your desired products has never been easier. Within a few clicks, you can fulfil all your wants and needs, making shopping easier than ever before. However, with the convenience, comes the added risk of receiving products that may fall short of the customers expectations. As an ecommerce business owner, managing returns can be a challenging task. However, if managed well, it can improve customer loyalty.

Transparent and Simple Returns Policy

Although returns can be frustrating, they are an inevitable part of running an ecommerce business and essential in maintaining customer satisfaction and loyalty. A transparent, comprehendible returns policy is crucial.

A good returns process can help you retain customers and maintain loyalty, while a poor returns process can be detrimental to your business. If you overcomplicate your return procedure it could deter customers from returning.

Provide Customers with an Easy to Use Return System

Implementing a self-service returns system is an excellent way to simplify your returns process. Not only will this increase the customers chance of returning, but it will significantly decrease the amount of time staff dedicate to completing return forms and handling customer service complaints.

In order to reduce the number of overall returns try implementing a feedback system into the self service return process, asking your customers for there reasoning behind the return. This data should allow you to identify areas in need of improvement and you can enhance your site accordingly.

A Secure Checkout Experience

Offering an escrow service payment option on your website can additionally be a great way of managing returns. They not only provide sellers with a level of protection but additionally help build trust with buyers, which can lead to less returns and more sales in the future. By using an escrow service payment plugin, customers can trust they will get what they have paid for, or get their money back, without you, the store owner having to incur any chargeback fees. 

Shieldescrow offers a free escrow payment service, which allows you to securely take payments, via Stripe’s secure technology, without you having to incur any transaction fees. Shieldescrow is a trusted third party that securely holds the buyers money until their purchase is received. 

Ultimately, offering an escrow service such as Shieldescrow on your website can give you a more professional image, reduce the risk of fraudulent claims, help you attract more buyers, increase your sales, and reduce your costs as there are no chargeback fees. 

The post How to Increase Customer Loyalty on E-commerce Stores by Optimizing Your Return Management Process appeared first on Shieldescrow Blog.
