How Buyers & Sellers Can Safely Conduct Transactions In-Person During Covid-19

How Buyers & Sellers Can Safely Conduct Transactions In-Person During Covid-19

With the global uncertainty surrounding Covid-19 and the restrictions set in place regarding social distancing, buying and selling with strangers has never seemed so unsafe. What if it didn’t have to be? We’re here to tell you some top tips on how to create safe spaces when you’re buying or selling with someone you don’t know.

Even in normal circumstances, meeting up with a complete stranger in order to inspect a desired item can seem unnerving. Ordinary precautions, although as important as ever, seem minuscule in comparison to guidelines set out by national governments.

Six effective steps to ensuring your safety during face-to-face transactions

1. Inform a family member or friend that the transaction is taking place

Tell someone you know and trust, like a family member or friend about the meeting, where it is taking place and what time. You should always make sure they are available to help you during the time of the transaction, if a problem arises.

2. Try to meet during daylight hours.

It is always best to conduct the transaction during daylight hours and at a public place where extra witnesses are present. Meeting at night can pose extra risks and increases the likelihood of being scammed.

3. Transaction should always take place in public setting

If the transaction needs to take place in person, make sure to meet in a well-lit, public place preferably with CCTV in operation as an extra precaution. Even if it increases your travel time, it is integral to your safety and provides authorities with evidence of potential fraud.

4. Never meet at your home

It is recommended that you keep your address private while conducting a transaction, unless it is essential. If you have to do so or meet at the buyer’s home, be sure to be polite and respectful of their privacy.

5. Keep your mobile phone on you

Make sure your phone is fully charged and has the ability to make calls and texts before you leave to carry out the transaction. You should text a friend or family member before to let them know the exact time the transaction is taking place and straight after to let them know everything went as planned.

6. Try to get signed proof of the purchase

It is imperative to get a document signed to prove that the transaction actually took place. Each party should be given a copy. This will be essential if either party decides to take any legal action or if a complaint is submitted.

New Precautions that need to be taken to protect Buyers and Sellers during the Covid-19 Pandemic 

Precautions such as wearing a face mask and staying 2 metres apart from each other during the transaction undoubtedly helps protect both parties and enables the transaction to be carried out as safely as possible. Ensuring you and the other party are in good health before meeting up is of utmost importance too, so that you and the people you know aren’t affected. Symptoms such as a fever, dry cough and tiredness are key indicators that you should stay at home and complete the transaction at a later date or through our ‘Online’ model.

How Shieldescrow’s transaction model provides a solution to in-person transactions during Covid-19

Shieldescrow’s modular flow allows the option for the buyer to pay a refundable deposit, showing their intent to carry out the full transaction. From there, both parties arrange a meeting point for the buyer to further inspect the item in question and to agree on a final price. Finally, once the buyer and seller come to an agreement on a price, the remainder of the funds are transferred to the Shieldescrow Hold and are released to the seller once the item has been handed over.

Our platform caters for every type of transaction, allowing both the buyer and seller to feel at ease when transacting. By creating a Shieldescrow account, you can guarantee that you have complete peace of mind when buying or selling with someone you don’t know.

By Luke Nicholson