How To Archives - Shieldescrow Blog Fri, 27 Oct 2023 15:58:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How To Archives - Shieldescrow Blog 32 32 Vodič za Korištenje Shieldescrow-a na Mojekrpice Fri, 27 Oct 2023 12:34:21 +0000 A guide to stress-free buying and selling on Mojekrpice with Shieldescrow. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the seamless process.

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U ovom sveobuhvatnom vodiču provest ćemo vas kroz proces kupovine i prodaje na Mojekrpice korištenjem Shieldescrow-a, osiguravajući bezbrižno iskustvo.

Što je Shieldescrow?

Shieldescrow je napredno rješenje za plaćanja koje je osmišljeno kako bi poboljšalo sigurnost plaćanja, pružajući mir uma kako kupcima, tako i prodavateljima. Uključuje ugrađenu Zaštitu Kupca koja ne samo da štiti kupca, već i prodavatelja osiguravajući sigurna plaćanja, mogućnost zatraživanja povrata i pristup korisničkoj podršci.

4 Jednostavna Koraka za Kupovinu na Mojekrpice s Shieldescrow-om

1. Odabir Proizvoda

Pronađite predmet koji želite kupiti i kliknite na gumb ‘Kupi’.

2. Izvršite Plaćanje

Unesite svoje podatke za plaćanje. Vaša uplata će biti prikupljena kako bi osigurala vašu kupnju. Shieldescrow će zadržati uplatu dok ne primite proizvod.

3. Kontaktiranje Prodavatelja

Kontaktirajte prodavatelja kako biste dogovorili preuzimanje ili dostavu.

4. Pregledajte Vašu Kupnju

Prilikom primitka vaše stavke, započet će 24-satni period inspekcije koji će vam omogućiti pregled vaše kupnje kako biste bili sigurni da nije oštećena i da se podudara s onim što je bilo oglašeno, prije nego što se sredstva otpuste prodavatelju.

Prednosti za Kupce

  • Najviša Razina Sigurnosti: Shieldescrow-ov sustav plaćanja u obliku escrow-a osigurava najvišu razinu sigurnosti, štiteći kupce od prijevara.
  • 100% Zaštita Kupca: Kada plaćate putem Shieldescrow-a, automatski dobivate Zaštitu Kupca. Ovo jamči sigurne transakcije, štiti vas od nedostave vašeg predmeta, omogućava vam zatraživanje povrata i pruža pristup korisničkoj podršci.
  • Smanjenje Rizika: Osiguravajući da obje strane ispune svoje obveze prije puštanja plaćanja, Shieldescrow smanjuje rizik od financijskog gubitka.

3 Jednostavna Koraka za Prodaju na Mojekrpice s Shieldescrow-om

1. Oglasite Vaš Proizvod

Objavite svoje proizvode za prodaju.

2. Dogovorite Dostavu

Kada kupac odabere kupiti vaš proizvod, dogovorite dostavu.

3. Preuzmi Vašu Uplatu

Nakon što završi razdoblje za pregled, vaša uplata će biti puštena. Osigurajte da su vaši bankovni podaci dodani kako biste primili svoje zarade, ovo možete učiniti u bilo kojem trenutku.

Prednosti za Prodavatelje

  • Nula Naknada za Prodaju: U zamjenu za potpunu zaštitu kupca, Shieldescrow-ovo rješenje za plaćanje se oslanja na kupca da plati malu naknadu, što znači da za prodavatelja nema nikakvih naknada.
  • Povećajte Prodaju: Escrow plaćanja stvaraju sigurno okruženje, što potiče oprezne kupce da zaključe svoje kupovine, sprječavajući ih da napuste košaricu prije završetka transakcije.
  • Otkrivanje Prijevara: Naš nadzor nad prijevarama 24/7 osigurava zaštitu od prijevara u transakcijama.
  • Posredovanje i Rješenje: Shieldescrow-ova platforma u obliku escrow-a opremljena je za posredovanje i rješavanje svih sporova koji se mogu pojaviti tijekom transakcije, osiguravajući pravedno rješenje.

Često Postavljena Pitanja

1. Kada kupac može zatražiti povrat novca?

Kupci mogu podnijeti sporove samo iz sljedećih razloga:

  • Kupac nije primio predmet
  • Primljeni predmet ne odgovara originalnom opisu
  • Predmet je oštećen, a ovo nije bilo navedeno u opisu

Sporovi podneseni iz bilo kojeg drugog razloga (na primjer, jer je Kupac promijenio mišljenje, ne treba više predmet ili ga ne želi, ili zbog bilo kakvog oštećenja ili nedostatka koji su jasno navedeni u opisu predmeta) neće biti prihvaćeni kao valjani razlozi za sporove od strane Shieldescrow-a.
U svim slučajevima, povrat novca neće biti obrađen dok proizvod ne bude vraćen Prodavatelju.

2. Tko plaća dostavu?

Trenutno postoje dvije opcije.
Prva opcija je, ako želite jednostavno koristiti Shieldescrow za pokrivanje troška proizvoda, možete razgovarati i odlučiti tko će pokriti taj trošak i koju opciju dostave ćete koristiti. U osnovi, nastavljate kao i prije. Druga opcija je da jednostavno uključite cijenu poštarine i pakiranja u cijenu proizvoda u vašem oglasu. To je cijena koju će platiti kupac ako se odlučite za tu opciju i iako znamo da se cijena dostave može promijeniti ovisno o lokaciji, potpuno vam ostavljamo izbor kako ćete to riješiti.
Na kraju, želimo spomenuti da će vam uskoro biti dostupne dodatne mogućnosti koje će automatizirati dio s dostavom, te se nadamo da će taj proces učiniti još jednostavnijim i lakšim za korištenje!

3. Naknada za zaštitu kupca

Shieldescrow je besplatan za sve prodavače, dok kupac plaća naknadu/proviziju za zaštitu kupca koja se u potpunosti vraća u slučaju otkazivanja narudžbe.

4. Što ako ne želim koristiti Shieldescrow?

Ne, Shieldescrow nije obavezan. Ako želite nastaviti prodavati proizvode kao i prije, to je u redu. Shieldescrow omogućuje kupcima da izvrše uplatu za vaše prozivode. Možete jednostavno prihvatiti uplatu i dogovoriti zamjenu s kupcem kako biste nastavili. Tek kada vam moramo poslati vasa novcana sredstva, bit će od vas zatraženo da otvorite Shieldescrow račun kako bismo znali gdje poslati vaša zarađena sredstva!

Ako imate bilo kakvih pitanja o postupku, obratite se našem timu za podršku putem e-pošte na ili izravno preko našeg online chata.

The post Vodič za Korištenje Shieldescrow-a na Mojekrpice appeared first on Shieldescrow Blog.

A Guide to Exchanging Tickets on Toutless using Shieldescrow Tue, 12 Sep 2023 09:05:25 +0000 A Guide to Safely Exchanging Tickets on Toutless using the Shieldescrow Payment app This comprehensive guide will walk you through the seamless process of buying and selling tickets on Toutless …

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A Guide to Safely Exchanging Tickets on Toutless using the Shieldescrow Payment app

This comprehensive guide will walk you through the seamless process of buying and selling tickets on Toutless using Shieldescrow, guaranteeing a worry-free experience for all users.

What is Shieldescrow?

Shieldescrow is a digital transaction platform that completely protects you from being scammed when you’re transacting with someone you don’t know. It not only safeguards both the buyer and the seller but also instils confidence in the transaction process, allowing you to transact with peace of mind.

6 easy steps to complete a successful transaction using Shieldescrow:

  1. Create a Shieldescrow Account:

Shieldescrow can be accessed online by visiting the website or can be downloaded straight to your device from the iOS App Store or Google Play Store.

  1. Initiate the Transaction:

Launch the transaction process, guided by Shieldescrow’s user-friendly interface, once logged in select ‘Create a Transaction’ on the navigation panel and enter your transaction details.

  1. Share the link with the Buyer/Seller

Once you have entered the transaction details a transaction link will be created. Please share this link with the other party via Toutless, they can join the transaction and add their banking details.

  1. Deposit and Secure Funds:

Buyer must demonstrate their commitment to the transaction by depositing the required funds into the ‘Shieldescrow hold’. This step not only secures the investment but also reassures the seller. The seller will confirm they have deposited the correct amount.

  1. Send the tickets and have them Validated:

The seller must confirm ticket delivery. The buyer should promptly receive the tickets. Conduct a thorough validation to ensure the tickets match the description and align with their expectations.

  1. Confirm and Release Funds:

Once the buyer has validated the tickets and is satisfied with the purchase. Shieldescrow’s escrow process will then release the funds to the seller, culminating in a secure and successful transaction.

Benefits of using Shieldescrow as a Buyer:

  • Ultimate Security: Shieldescrow’s escrow payment system ensures the highest level of security, safeguarding buyers against being scammed.

  • Online Payments: you can complete the whole transaction online safely and securely. You don’t have to meet the other party in person, meaning you can complete the transaction from the safety of your own home.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Shieldescrow’s platform is designed with the user in mind. Navigating through the buying process is intuitive and straightforward, making your payment journey a breeze.
  • Risk Mitigation: By ensuring that both parties meet their obligations prior to fund release, Shieldescrow minimizes the risk of financial loss.

Benefits of using Shieldescrow as a Seller:

  • Zero Selling Fees: Ticket exchange platforms such as Ticketmaster and StubHub offer a resale option with a selling fee of around 15%. By selling your ticket privately and using Shieldescrow, you pay zero selling fees.

  • Online Payments: You can complete the whole transaction online safely and securely. You don’t have to meet the other party in person, meaning you can complete the transaction from the safety of your own home.
  • Time-Efficient: Shieldescrow’s streamlined process expedites transactions, allowing you to secure your ticket sale promptly and efficiently.

  • Mediation and Resolution: Shieldescrow’s escrow platform is equipped to mediate and resolve any disputes that may arise during the transaction, ensuring a fair resolution.

Buying and selling tickets on Toutless using Shieldescrow offers a safe and reliable way to secure access to purchasing tickets to Ireland’s most celebrated Music and Sports events.

If you have any questions about the process please reach out to our support team via email at or to them directly through our online chat box located on our homepage.

The post A Guide to Exchanging Tickets on Toutless using Shieldescrow appeared first on Shieldescrow Blog.

A Guide to Exchanging Electric Picnic Tickets using Shieldescrow Fri, 18 Aug 2023 12:04:13 +0000 Buy or Sell Electric Picnic tickets online safely This comprehensive guide will walk you through the seamless process of buying and selling Electric Picnic tickets online using Shieldescrow, guaranteeing a …

The post A Guide to Exchanging Electric Picnic Tickets using Shieldescrow appeared first on Shieldescrow Blog.

Buy or Sell Electric Picnic tickets online safely

This comprehensive guide will walk you through the seamless process of buying and selling Electric Picnic tickets online using Shieldescrow, guaranteeing a worry-free experience for both buyers and sellers.

What is Shieldescrow?

Shieldescrow is a digital transaction platform that completely protects you from being scammed when you’re transacting with someone you don’t know. It not only safeguards both the buyer and the seller but also instils confidence in the transaction process, allowing you to transact with peace of mind.

6 easy steps to complete a successful transaction using Shieldescrow:

  1. Create a Shieldescrow Account:

Shieldescrow can be accessed online by visiting the website or can be downloaded straight to your device from the iOS App Store or Google Play Store.

  1. Initiate the Transaction:

Launch the transaction process, guided by Shieldescrow’s user-friendly interface, once logged in select ‘Create a Transaction’ on the navigation panel and enter your transaction details.

  1. Share the link with the Buyer/Seller

Once you have entered the transaction details a transaction link will be created. Please share this link with the other party, they can join the transaction and add their banking details.

  1. Deposit and Secure Funds:

Buyer must demonstrate their commitment to the transaction by depositing the required funds into the ‘Shieldescrow hold’. This step not only secures the investment but also reassures the seller. The seller will confirm they have deposited the correct amount.

  1. Send the tickets and have them Validated:

The seller must confirm ticket delivery. The buyer should promptly receive the tickets. Conduct a thorough validation to ensure the tickets match the description and align with their expectations.

  1. Confirm and Release Funds:

Once the buyer has validated the tickets and are satisfied with the purchase. Shieldescrow’s escrow process will then release the funds to the seller, culminating in a secure and successful transaction.

Benefits of using Shieldescrow as a Buyer:

  • Ultimate Security: Shieldescrow’s escrow payment system ensures the highest level of security, safeguarding buyers against being scammed.

  • Online Payments: you can complete the whole transaction online safely and securely. You don’t have to meet the other party in person, meaning you can complete the transaction from the safety of your own home.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Shieldescrow’s platform is designed with the user in mind. Navigating through the buying process is intuitive and straightforward, making your payment journey a breeze.
  • Risk Mitigation: By ensuring that both parties meet their obligations prior to fund release, Shieldescrow minimizes the risk of financial loss.

Benefits of using Shieldescrow as a Seller:

  • Zero Selling Fees: Ticket exchange platforms such as Ticketmaster and StubHub offer a resale option with a selling fee of around 15%. By selling your ticket privately and using Shieldescrow, you pay zero selling fees.

  • Online Payments: you can complete the whole transaction online safely and securely. You don’t have to meet the other party in person, meaning you can complete the transaction from the safety of your own home.
  • Time-Efficient: Shieldescrow’s streamlined process expedites transactions, allowing you to secure your ticket sale promptly and efficiently.

  • Mediation and Resolution: Shieldescrow’s escrow platform is equipped to mediate and resolve any disputes that may arise during the transaction, ensuring a fair resolution.

Buying and selling Electric Picnic tickets online using Shieldescrow offers a safe and reliable way to secure access to purchasing tickets to one of Ireland’s most celebrated Music festivals. We hope everyone attending has a great weekend!

If you have any questions about the process please reach out to our support team via email at or to them directly through our online chat box located on our homepage.

The post A Guide to Exchanging Electric Picnic Tickets using Shieldescrow appeared first on Shieldescrow Blog.

How to Increase Customer Loyalty on E-commerce Stores by Optimizing Your Return Management Process Thu, 04 May 2023 14:28:04 +0000 Learn how to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty by effectively managing your ecommerce return processes.

The post How to Increase Customer Loyalty on E-commerce Stores by Optimizing Your Return Management Process appeared first on Shieldescrow Blog.

As ecommerce continues to expand, shopping is no longer deemed an inconvenient task. Purchasing your desired products has never been easier. Within a few clicks, you can fulfil all your wants and needs, making shopping easier than ever before. However, with the convenience, comes the added risk of receiving products that may fall short of the customers expectations. As an ecommerce business owner, managing returns can be a challenging task. However, if managed well, it can improve customer loyalty.

Transparent and Simple Returns Policy

Although returns can be frustrating, they are an inevitable part of running an ecommerce business and essential in maintaining customer satisfaction and loyalty. A transparent, comprehendible returns policy is crucial.

A good returns process can help you retain customers and maintain loyalty, while a poor returns process can be detrimental to your business. If you overcomplicate your return procedure it could deter customers from returning.

Provide Customers with an Easy to Use Return System

Implementing a self-service returns system is an excellent way to simplify your returns process. Not only will this increase the customers chance of returning, but it will significantly decrease the amount of time staff dedicate to completing return forms and handling customer service complaints.

In order to reduce the number of overall returns try implementing a feedback system into the self service return process, asking your customers for there reasoning behind the return. This data should allow you to identify areas in need of improvement and you can enhance your site accordingly.

A Secure Checkout Experience

Offering an escrow service payment option on your website can additionally be a great way of managing returns. They not only provide sellers with a level of protection but additionally help build trust with buyers, which can lead to less returns and more sales in the future. By using an escrow service payment plugin, customers can trust they will get what they have paid for, or get their money back, without you, the store owner having to incur any chargeback fees. 

Shieldescrow offers a free escrow payment service, which allows you to securely take payments, via Stripe’s secure technology, without you having to incur any transaction fees. Shieldescrow is a trusted third party that securely holds the buyers money until their purchase is received. 

Ultimately, offering an escrow service such as Shieldescrow on your website can give you a more professional image, reduce the risk of fraudulent claims, help you attract more buyers, increase your sales, and reduce your costs as there are no chargeback fees. 

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Shieldescrow for Beginners Thu, 08 Dec 2022 16:03:38 +0000 Ever wanted to learn more about Shieldescrow? Read our latest guide on how to use Shieldescrow and keep yourself protected when transacting online.

The post Shieldescrow for Beginners appeared first on Shieldescrow Blog.

What is Shieldescrow?

Shieldescrow is an online escrow-style payment gateway. Utilizing Stripe’s secure payment technology, Shieldescrow secures the buyer’s money in a safehold account, and only releases the funds once all transactional milestones are complete.

Is Shieldescrow safe?

Yes, Shieldescrow is safe. Shieldescrow is powered by Stripe, the world’s most secure payment processor. Their partnership ensures all customer details and payments are handled with the highest level of security. As an added layer of protection, Shieldescrow additionally uses 3D Secure Protection (also known as Payer Authentication).

For more information on Shieldescrow’s secure partnership with Stripe, click here. 

How do you use Shieldescrow?

Shieldescrow can be accessed online by visiting the website or can be downloaded straight to your device from the App Store or Google Play Store.

To create a transaction you must first register for a Shieldescrow account. You can register or login here and select ‘Create Transaction’ from the navigation panel. You will be prompted to answer two questions and fill out all transaction details. Once created, the other party is invited to join via a shared link. 

The buyer then inputs their payment details, depositing the agreed amount into the Shieldescrow Hold. The seller will see the funds have been lodged and subsequently transfer the item to the buyer. If the item is being transferred via courier or delivery service, the seller will be required to input the tracking information within the available time limit. 

Once received, the 24-hour buyer complaints period begins. During this time, they can inspect the item, verifying its legitimacy. The funds are not released until after the complaints period has elapsed, ensuring you are satisfied with your new purchase. The money is then released from the Shieldescrow Hold to the seller’s bank. 
If the item arrives in poor condition, is not as described, or is fraudulent then the buyer has 24 hours to submit a complaint to Shieldescrow. This can be done through the App or by emailing The buyer is then contacted by the customer support team to begin the arbitration process.

What are the advantages of Shieldescrow? 

 • Zero Selling Fees.
 • 100% Buyer Protection.
 • Powered by Stripe and 3DS Authentication.
 • 24-Hour Complaints Period with every Transaction.
 • Dedicated Customer Service to Assist with any Disputes or Transactions.

What is the difference between Shieldescrow and other payment methods?

Shieldescrow acts as an escrow service, meaning the seller does not receive the funds until the buyer has received and inspected their product or service, ensuring complete satisfaction. 
In exchange for full buyer protection, Shieldescrow’s payment solution relies on the buyer to pay a small transaction fee, differing from many other payment methods. This means there are zero transaction fees for the seller. This payment solution has been shown to empower buyers and ensures little hesitation from legitimate sellers.
International transactions through other payment gateways often attract additional fees. Shieldescrow on the other hand does not charge an additional price for international transactions.

In addition to this, there are no conversion fees or no chargeback fees with Shieldescrow, meaning users could potentially save a lot of money. 

How much does Shieldescrow cost?

Shieldescrow currently supports the below currencies:
 • Euro
 • British Pound Sterling
 • US Dollar
 • Australian Dollar
 • Polish złoty

The fees per currency are:
Euro, British Pound Sterling, Polish złoty: 3% + 40c .
US Dollar: 4.4% + 40c.

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Safest Way to Trade Funko Pops in 2022 – What to look out for! Thu, 30 Jun 2022 14:19:53 +0000 Transacting a Funko Pop with an unknown source can often leave one with a feeling of unease. This blog will help you to identify what to look out for when either buying or selling Funko Pops online.

The post Safest Way to Trade Funko Pops in 2022 – What to look out for! appeared first on Shieldescrow Blog.

The process of buying and selling online has always involved a certain level of unpredictability, and as the internet’s capabilities increase, so does the potential to deceive. Transacting a Funko Pop with an unknown source can often leave one with a feeling of unease. This blog will help you to identify what to look out for when either buying or selling your favourite Funko Pops online.

How to Detect Fraud when Purchasing & Trading Funko Pops

There are many people online who will attempt to take advantage of you within your quest to obtain your next desired Pop. Scammers often deem collectors to be an easy target, with fraudulent transactions taking place every day. The customer can often be left discouraged after their purchase to discover either an incorrect, damaged or nonexistent Pop. It is essential to protect yourself from all possible harm and transact exclusively in a safe environment when negotiating with an online merchant. Shieldescrow is a secure payment platform which allows you to buy and sell anything without the risk of being scammed. If you are looking to purchase your favourite Funko Pops, Shieldescrow is the safest way to transact online. Their team of fraud analysts ensure suspicious transactions are flagged, paused and investigated before any funds are released.

We provide Buyer Protection on all your Funko Pop Transactions

Shieldescrow can remove all buyer hesitation, leaving you to shop in complete confidence. The secure platform positions itself between the buyer and the seller of the Funko Pop to ensure a safe and protected transaction process. Once an agreed amount has been negotiated, the buyer can utilise Shieldescrow to proceed with payment. Either the buyer or the seller can create a transaction through the platform and via a shared link will invite the other party to join. The agreed amount is then deposited by the buyer into a secure Shieldescrow account, known as the Shieldescrow Hold. The seller will see the funds have been lodged and sequentially dispatch the product for delivery.

Alternatively, if agreed, both parties can meet face-to-face to transact the Funko Pop in person. Whether shipped or physically transferred from one hand to another, Shieldescrow’s payment process remains the same. Shieldescrow will retain the funds within the Shieldescrow Hold until both parties are satisfied with the transaction. This process ensures protection for both the buyer and the seller, meaning they can transact with peace of mind. A complaints period is provided for the buyer. During this time, they can inspect the Funko Pop, verifying its condition. The funds are not released until the complaints period has elapsed and the buyer confirms they have received the Funko Pop in an acceptable state.

The Safest way to Sell Funko Pops Online

Throughout all transactions, Shieldescrow not only protects the buyers but additionally the sellers. In exchange for full buyer protection, our payment solution relies on the customer to pay the small transaction fee, meaning there are no transaction fees for the seller. Shieldescrow additionally safeguards all sellers from fraudulent complaints and dishonest returns, whereby a customer may attempt to return an item unrelated to the one originally received. Shieldescrow takes full liability for the transaction, with their support team on hand to mediate and resolve all disputes. Utilising Shieldescrow’s buyer protection and fraud detection features, sellers can add a whole new layer of security to their trading platforms, instantly removing the biggest barrier to attracting cautious users.

Uncertainty and unpredictability are concepts which often surround the processes of online transactions, especially within marketplaces when dealing with unknown sources. It is therefore important to protect yourself and recognise how to transact safely with another. Through Shieldescrow, buyers and sellers can ensure a more secure, protected, risk-free transaction process. Shieldescrow is an instant transactional solution for any marketplace, eliminating the prospect of fraud and scams.

Begin your first transaction today and start buying your beloved Funko Pops with complete peace of mind.

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How to Resell Tickets Safely Online Thu, 19 May 2022 13:56:00 +0000 Selling tickets online to strangers has always been a risky task. What if there was a secure payment platform that solved all those problems?

The post How to Resell Tickets Safely Online appeared first on Shieldescrow Blog.

Selling tickets online to strangers has always been a risky task. No matter the platform, the process of exchanging money and the tickets themselves brings with it major complications. What if there was a secure payment platform that solved all those problems? If you’re looking to resell tickets online in a safe way there are a few key steps that you should make sure to follow:

1. List the ticket online

Firstly, you need to choose a way to list your ticket online. Some popular options include classified sites such as Preloved, DoneDeal, Claz or Craigslist. If the event is big enough, for example, Electric Picnic or Glastonbury, there may also be Facebook groups set up specifically for reselling those tickets. Lastly, many people choose to try to resell their tickets to people they already know via social media, sharing posts or stories advertising the ticket to their followers.

2. Set a price

Pricing a resale ticket can be a difficult task. You want a price close to what you paid initially so you don’t lose out on money but sometimes charging the face value price is unrealistic when you take into consideration the potential demand for the tickets, the number of other tickets for sale and how close the event is to the time of listing your ticket. A good measure is usually to search classified sites to see how other people are pricing their tickets and to then price your ticket at the same level or to undercut their price.

3. Decide on method of handover and payment

Once you’ve found a buyer the two of you must decide on how you are going to exchange the tickets and the money. This can be a difficult process to navigate when the two parties are strangers as people can find it difficult to trust someone online that they don’t know. The seller can have doubts about the buyer’s potential to pay and the buyer can have doubts about the ticket being invalid and the whole sale being a scam.

How does Shieldescrow work?

Shieldescrow provides a method for both parties to exchange the tickets and the money in a safe and protected way. With Shieldescrow, the buyer or the seller creates a transaction for the tickets through our website or app and have the other party join the transaction via a shared link. The buyer then deposits the agreed sum for the tickets which Shieldescrow holds in a safe account, known as the Shieldescrow Hold. The seller then can see that the funds have been lodged and can then either post the tickets in an online transaction, in which case the tickets are tracked by Shieldescrow or both parties can agree to meet face to face to hand over the tickets in person.

Shieldescrow will hold the funds until both parties are satisfied with the transaction. This way both the buyer and seller are protected and can transact with peace of mind. The buyer is given a complaints period during which time they can inspect the tickets and verify that they are valid. The funds are not released until the buyer confirms they have received the tickets and until the complaints period has elapsed. The seller is also protected from fraudulent complaints and from having an item returned to them that is different from what they originally sent.
Shieldescrow also supports the sale of e-tickets, making ticket resale that much easier. With this feature users can resell tickets through trusted third party ticket transfer services such as Ticketmaster Ticket Transfer, using Shieldescrow as their payment method.

The platform is perfect for the reselling of tickets with the complaints period offering buyers ample time to verify the authenticity of the tickets before the funds are released to the seller. By using Shieldescrow, buyers and sellers alike can make the ticket resale process that bit safer. Begin your first transaction right here and start selling your tickets with complete peace of mind.

The post How to Resell Tickets Safely Online appeared first on Shieldescrow Blog.

How to use Shieldescrow on Claz Mon, 16 May 2022 13:51:44 +0000 Using Shieldescrow on Claz is easy. Just navigate to your desired listing and click the ‘Make Offer’ button to get started. Learn how to transact safely online in just 4 easy steps!

The post How to use Shieldescrow on Claz appeared first on Shieldescrow Blog.

What is Shieldescrow?

Shieldescrow is a digital payment platform that completely protects you from being scammed when you’re transacting with someone you don’t know on Claz. Shieldescrow secures the buyer’s money in a safe hold account until all the transaction milestones are met and the complaints period elapses. The money is then instantly released to the seller.

Shieldescrow is compatible across all platforms. Whether you’re using a laptop, a phone, or a tablet, you can use Shieldescrow to transact with complete peace of mind.

Using Shieldescrow on Claz is easy. Just navigate to your desired listing and click the ‘Make Offer’ button to get started. You will then be redirected to Shieldescrow to register for your account, allowing you to make an offer to the seller. Once the seller has accepted your offer, the transaction will be created and both parties will be notified by email of the next step on Shieldescrow. 

How Shieldescrow works in 4 easy steps:

1. Buyer submits payment into the Shieldescrow hold

2. Seller sends product

3. Buyer receives the item

4. Shieldescrow releases funds to the seller

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The Safest Way to Buy From a Stranger Online Thu, 21 Apr 2022 11:07:16 +0000 Buying something from someone you don’t know online can be a scary process. You’re not sure if you can trust them or the product and there are always questions around the security of the payment. However, there are a few small steps you can take to make your buying process that bit safer.

The post The Safest Way to Buy From a Stranger Online appeared first on Shieldescrow Blog.

Buying something from someone you don’t know online can be a scary process. You’re not sure if you can trust them or the product and there are always questions about the security of the payment. However, there are a few small steps you can take to make your buying process that bit safer. 

  1. Verify the seller

Firstly you should always try to verify how legitimate the seller in question is. Typically when you’re buying something from a stranger online you’re making this purchase through a classified site like eBay or a listing platform for buying and selling between strangers like Depop. Oftentimes the best way to check how legitimate a seller is is to see how many previous or active listings the seller has available and on top of that read any reviews you can find from previous customers about that seller. If a seller has no reviews or listings it can be a bad sign, it’s better to buy from a seller who has some reviews from past customers to get a sense of how trustworthy they really are. And of course, don’t buy from a seller with poor reviews. If they are unwilling to use a platform such as Shieldescrow which provides a safe option for peer-to-peer payments, then it may be that they can’t be trusted in a transaction. 

  1. Communicate

Next, once you spot something that seems authentic from a seller you deem to be credible, you should initiate communication with them to discuss details like the price, the payment method, shipping details etc. If a seller is difficult to contact or inflexible it can often be a major warning sign. For example, you should be able to request further information or photos from a seller about the product and if they refuse, it is reasonable to be sceptical of how legitimate they are as a seller.

  1. What payment method should I use?

The major obstacle to overcome however is the payment method. This can be the aspect of the online buying process that people are most sceptical about, especially when transacting with a stranger. However, with Shieldescrow’s peer-to-peer payment solution, they can be made that much more secure allowing you to transact with peace of mind. 

About Shieldescrow

Shieldescrow is a secure transaction platform that protects you from being scammed online when you want to buy or sell with someone you don’t know. It offers a secure holding account through which funds can be deposited by the buyer, held and eventually transferred into the seller’s account. Shieldescrow holds the funds until certain transactional milestones are completed ensuring both parties are happy with the transaction. 

Shieldescrow offers a milestone-based transaction model to cater to different transaction needs. Shieldescrow provides both buyer and seller protection by giving buyers a complaints period upon receiving goods and conversely by protecting sellers from fraudulent complaints being lodged against them. This protection makes the transaction process that bit more secure.

So if you’re looking to buy safely online from a stranger and don’t know where to start, Shieldescrow can put your mind at ease by handling any payment concerns and protecting both parties during and after your purchase.

The post The Safest Way to Buy From a Stranger Online appeared first on Shieldescrow Blog.

How To Stay Safe When Buying From Online Marketplaces Tue, 12 Apr 2022 12:33:00 +0000 Many classified websites don't have a built in payment system therefore, finding a secure means of payment can be a difficult task for both parties. Classified websites don’t instil the greatest sense of trust in their users as it is, so oftentimes people can be particularly skeptical when it comes to payment via classified listings.

The post How To Stay Safe When Buying From Online Marketplaces appeared first on Shieldescrow Blog.

Many classified websites don’t have a built in payment system, therefore finding a secure means of payment can be a difficult task for both parties. Classified websites don’t instil the greatest sense of trust in their users as it is, so oftentimes people can be particularly skeptical when it comes to payment via classified listings. 

Whilst there are a multitude of payment methods available, finding one that both parties are confident in and can trust can be difficult. Transacting through marketplaces such as eBay, Craigslist and DoneDeal can often lead to safety issues for users mainly due to the lack of a secure payment solution. However, one method which overcomes all the common security pitfalls is Shieldescrow.

Why Shieldescrow is the safest payment platform for you:
Shieldescrow was designed to overcome the biggest security issues that are encountered between strangers transacting online. Shieldescrow offers support and protection on both ends whether you’re the buyer or seller as well as offering a unique user flow that caters for transactions carried out both online and in person.

Transacting Online:

Online transactions tend to be the most popular form when it comes to classified marketplaces and are better suited to transactions happening across a greater distance when the item in question needs to be delivered via courier. For an online transaction, the buyer pays the full amount into the Shieldescrow Hold. From there, the seller is given 48 hours to post the item in question and enter the tracking details. This tracked delivery service is one of the key features of Shieldescrow’s payment method that other methods fail to offer. Once the item has been delivered and signed for, the buyer is again given a complaints window of 24 hours which once elapsed, releases the funds to the seller.

Transacting In Person:

Shieldescrow’s model is ideal for in person transactions too where both parties are located within close proximity to one another, or for larger items that cannot be shipped like a car. It involves one party creating a transaction via the Shieldescrow website or app, entering details like: the price, currency and description of the item. The second party then joins the transaction via a shared link. Then, the buyer places a refundable deposit in Shieldescrow’s secure holding account, showing the seller that the buyer has genuine intention to buy. Once the money has been lodged the two parties can agree on a time and place to meet in person where the buyer can inspect the item and the two can agree on a final price. Once an agreement has been made, the buyer enters the remaining amount into the Shieldescrow Hold and the seller hands over the item. The buyer is then given a one hour complaints period during which time they can inspect the item further to ensure it is ‘as described’ by the seller.

So, if you’re looking for a safer, more secure payment method when buying or selling on classified sites, Shieldescrow can without a doubt offer you that extra peace of mind. For quick explainer videos on how each model works check out our website at:

The post How To Stay Safe When Buying From Online Marketplaces appeared first on Shieldescrow Blog.
